Wednesday, December 3, 2008

satan comitted suicide... and he knew it

When Christ died He purchased for His people the forgiveness of all our sins and completed for us a life of perfect obedience (even through death on a cross) that we can count as our own obedience when we are united with Him by faith.

The death of Jesus is THE ultimate act of love, THE ultimate act of salvation. It is the ONLY way we can be saved for our sins and escape the wrath of God! Those hours of suffering on the cross are the apex of God's love, my salvation, my deliverance, my triumph over sin (partially now and fully later)...

The weird thing is that sin made this happen. Sin both murdered the Son of God and delivered us from sin in the same act. Sin killed itself when it killed Jesus. Suicide! (at least the sin of those who welcome THIS real Jesus and HIS forgiveness)

Satan knew that when He led Judas to betray Jesus, he would be defeated by it.
#1 Satan desperately tried to make Jesus take the route of the NON-cross power move in the wilderness, but Jesus was zeroed in on His end goal.
#2 When Peter said, "No they're not! Not while I'm alive!" to Jesus and His claim of a future death on the cross, His response was, "Get behind me Satan!" The effort to keep Jesus off the cross is satanic. Satan knew what He was about to do. His first tactics were trying to keep Him from the cross and then He sent Him to the cross... WHY?!

Satan is irrational as is sin. He did his very best to divert Jesus from the cross and he saw the absolute resolve of Jesus towards His death. Satan admits defeat and decides to make it AS HORRIBLE AS HE CAN! ... Satan was despairing... He commits suicide with the mindset, 'This will really make them miserable!' - common mindset to those suicidal.

Satan knew he was done for... and he decides to take as many people with him to his damnation as he can... as well as making the death of the Son of Man as horrible as he can.

thanks to John Piper

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