THE WORD is like a metaphor for Jesus. Jesus, in a sense, speaks for God.
Jesus is God all over again, Jesus is a chip off the ol’ block... He sounds just like His Father. When someone appears in a place unexpectatly, Jesus says what God would say, “Don’t be afraid.” When Jesus is confronted by religious leaders Jesus said what God would say, “Woe to you! You give your money, but you neglect justice! In fact you run widows right out of their houses.” Jesus speaks for God. At least 5 times Jesus says none of His words come from Him, everything He says He has heard His Father say.

He is God, absolutely... and He became flesh.
CS Lewis once wrote, "you want to get the smallest of glimpses to see what this might mean for the Son of God to stuff Himself into human form? Imagine yourself becoming a slug. Your activities would be limited and restrictions would apply."
Actually, the Greek is a little sharper than this. The Greek says He tented with us. We are like Israel in the wilderness.
God wants to be with them there so He has them make the Tent of Meeting, a place for Him. It’s got holy places in it and what not, but the basic idea for it is that Israel is going to be okay when God is in His tent and His people can worship Him. In fact, “tenting” becomes part of God’s ID in the Old testament, ‘Who is Israel’s God? Well, He is the one that "tents" in Zion!’
Then at the end of the Bible, John sees a vision beautiful enough to break your heart (in Rev. 21). At the end we don’t go to Heaven, Heaven comes to us! The City of God descends to us, so God can TENT with us here.
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