"If our religion is something objective, then we must never avert our eyes from those elements in it which seem puzzling or repellent; for it will be precisely the puzzling or repellent which conceals what we do not yet know and need to know." -- C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory
First off, I am exhausted, but enthused. This has been a blast so far and I hope it continues to be so. I am exhausted because when I agreed to this I didn't know it was going to be 35 chapters a day... obviously my fault for not really looking at the schedule, but yesterday was rad and I am excited about today.
1 thing that really stuck out to me yesterday was how specific God's instruction to the Israelites was. Everything was very concise, very much do this then this then this and it had a specific order. Passover had to be done a certain way, Adam had to do certain things a specific way, Abram had specific instruction.
And the reason I have enjoyed it so much thus far is because of the specific nature of God, because of the covenants that he makes and the prophecy that He writes, you see how one thing long ago ties into something else 430 years later. (God's covenant with Abram and the delivery of the Israelites at passover.)
Some interesting nuggets i rediscovered, Day 1 God created light and dark but Sun and moon werent around til day 4, awesome, try wrapping your head around where that light came from... we are so finite.
Lot was Abrams nephew, knew it but forgot about it.
Moses came from Levi's family who came from Jacob, who came from Isaac, who came from Abraham. Talk about having to live up to the family name.
In Exodus 1:19 does God bless the lying midwives? If so when is it ok to lie/sin?
Is death introduced for the first time in Genesis 3:19?
IOs there an argument for evolution in Genesis 1:22?
Just some thoughts I wanted to share. Much love and keep reading.
come on over to the discussion with myself in the post above. It will be great fun. I will leave a worthwhile reply to this when you have time to move it.
( I will move this reply up to the DAY 1 section when you move your comments up)
First of all, your point: ""Some interesting nuggets i rediscovered, Day 1 God created light and dark but Sun and moon werent around til day 4, awesome, try wrapping your head around where that light came from... we are so finite."" - that is soo cool. I did not think about it in that way.
In Exodus 1:19 does God bless the lying midwives? If so when is it ok to lie/sin? This is something that caught my eye too. I think I personally need to think it out more, but initially I am struck by how they did this because "they feared God". It is sort of like how we know with Jesus' later teachings that the 10 commandments our more then the surface level dos and donts. You have to be VERY sure of yourself, but when the glory of God is at stake, or when He moves, there is not much you can do to stand in His way. It seemed as though they could not help themselves, but do as they did because they "feared" Him..... on another thought, the law was not handed down yet, and it says somewhere in todays readings that we are accountable to what is revealed (aka God is a lot smarter then being fooled by an overlooked typo... real life happens.... that was in Deut 29:29)
Is death introduced for the first time in Genesis 3:19? I totally did not see that. I think you right... very interesting
"IOs there an argument for evolution in Genesis 1:22?" First of all, when you say "IOs", I think you are meaning "Is" so that is how I am going to take it as... Two things: I see evolution coinciding VERY WELL with the sovereign, omnipotent God that is spoken about in the Bible. Yeah, I think it could be used in the sense that you bring it up in. The second thing, listen to Keller (it is my "discussion topics" for the Day 1 post) as he talks about Gen 1 and 2 if you have time. I have heard him talk about this before, but he briefly mentions a dilemma with Gen 1 and 2. He convincingly argues, at least to me by the way, that Gen 1 could very well be poetic in nature... this has many implications if this is so.
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