Do you believe that love, friendship, and community are at the very essence of reality?
Only if you believe in the triune God can you believe that.
If God is a single uni-personal God, you would then need to ask this question: when did this God first begin to love? When did this God first enter into relationships, friendships, and communication? It would not have been until this God would have created the first being, the first angel, the first human, the first whatever. And therefore love would not be at the very essence of this God because it came later, it would have been peripheral. And so then love could not be at the very essence of this reality.
If you believe in many gods, then you believe that ultimate reality is basically a power struggle.
Only if you believe in a Creator who is the triune God, a God who is a community of beings that love and serve one another, that enjoy one another and defer to each other... only when you believe in this God can you believe that love, harmony, unity, diversity, friendship, and communication are at the very essence of reality.
Otherwise you have to believe that the very essence of reality is a power play or something impersonal with love coming in later.
- I think this is a very interesting take on the trinity. A sort of philosophical, logical apologetic that rallies the 'faithful', but can easily leave those outside of the 'Christianese' speaking, 'inner circle', uneasy and confused with its mystical, esoteric nature. So here is the reason why its so important to us all:
How can you know a God like this individualistically?
When the very essence of God is community, the only way you can possibly know a God like that is THROUGH community.
or to put it another way
If you were to really get to know a God like that it would inevitably draw you into deep oneness and community with other people.
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