The top three negative perceptions of Christians are antihomosexual (91% say "a lot" or "some"), judgmental (87%), and hypocritical (85%). These numbers tell us what nonChristians think of when they think about Christianity.
Unfortunately, the top favorable image they have of Christianity is that it "teaches same basic idea as other religions" (82% "a lot" or "some"). In general, outsiders consider Christianity to have good values and principles (76%), and friendly people (71%). However, only 55% think that Christianity "consistently shows love for other people", and 54% believe Christianity "offers hope for the future". These 'favorable' images are more dismal as we look at the percentage of young outsiders that consider Christians trustworthy (9 % say "alot"), or Christianity to be genuine and real (11%), "something that makes sense" (9%), or "relevant to your life" (10%).
Outside Perception #1 Hypocritical
Christians say one thing but live something entirely different.

What Jesus will transform His "church" to someday be like:
Christians are transparent about their flaws and act first, talk second.
Outside Perception #2 All about getting saved!
Christians are insincere and concerned only with converting others.

What Jesus will transform His "church" to someday be like:
Christians cultivate relationships and environments where others can be deeply transformed by God.
Outside Perception #3 Antihomosexual
Christians show contempt for gays and lesbians.

What Jesus will transform His "church" to someday be like: Christians show compassion and love to all people, regardless of their lifestyle.
Outside Perception #4 Sheltered
Christians are boring, unintelligent, old-fashioned, and out of touch with reality.

What Jesus will transform His "church" to someday be like: Christians are engaged, informed, and offer sophisticated responses to the issues people face.
Outside Perception #5 Too Political
Christians are primarily motivated by a political agenda and promote right-wing politics.

What Jesus will transform His "church" to someday be like: Christians are characterized by respecting people, thinking biblical, and finding solutions to complex issues.
Outside Perception #6 Judgmental
Christians are prideful and quick to find faults in others.

What Jesus will transform His "church" to someday be like: Christians show grace by finding the good in others and seeing their potential to be Christ followers.
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