Ideas for Blog
1. How do we Destroy Christian Stereotypes
1a. Hypocritical, Numbers Driven, Antihomosexual, Sheltered, Too Political, Judgemental
2. Christianese to English Interpretation -- what do these words, that at one time had incredible weight, mean in today's context
2a. What do we really mean when we say: "faith", "born-again", "love", forgiving", "prayer", "quiet time", "love your neighbor", "love the sinner hate the sin", "sin", "calling", "bare your cross", "belief", "God", "Christian", "Church", "Jesus"
3. Study
3a. Romans, Luke, Pslams, Weight of Glory, Mortification of Sin, St. Augustine, St. John of the Cross, Quotes...
4. Tough Questions
4a. Can we trust the Bible?, How do we interpret the Bible: literally or metaphorically?, What will the Church in the next century look like: Emergent or Fundamental?
5. Personal Story: How did I become Christian? What does it mean to be Christian? What is the mark of a Christian today?
6. Scripture Application
Weekly Themes for Blog
1. How do I interpret the Bible?
2. Pride - Humility - The Joy and the Miracle of Self-forgetfulness
3. Love
4. Legalism
5. the Sovereignty of God
6. the Glory of God, the Weight of Glory
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